How to Drive Traffic in Google Discover?

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Google Discover is a content feed on the search giant's platforms like smartphones and smart displays

Google Discover is a content feed on the search giant's platforms like smartphones and smart displays. It provides a personalized content discovery experience for users outside of search results. With over 800 million active users globally per month, Discover is a huge opportunity for content marketers.

Understanding Google Discover

Discover recommends multimedia content like articles, videos and photos based on individual user interests. It sources content from Google's databases, partner companies and directly from websites. The goal is to engage users with visually appealing content on topics they care about.

Different from search results

While search results aim to directly answer user queries, Discover focuses on serendipitous content discovery. It promotes articles with intent to browse rather than search for information. Discover recommendations are also less static and evolve continuously based on engagement.

Optimizing for mobile and feeds

As a mobile-first product, Discover favors compelling multimedia over text-heavy pages. Content needs to be snackable and scannable on small screens. Formatting, images, headings and summaries are key to engaging mobile readers in feeds.

requirements for Discover content

Google has provided some guidelines on the type of high-quality, original content that tends to perform well in Discover:

  • Visual and multimodal: Images, videos should tell the story alongside text.
  • Well-researched and informative: Deliver value through facts and expertise.
  • Snackable and scannable format: Short, digestible paragraphs for mobile.
  • Timely and up-to-date: Publish regularly on trending topics.
  • Publisher attribution and expertise: Build domain and author authority.

Optimizing content for Discover

Here are some tactics to create content that Google can effectively surface in Discover:

Publish long-form articles

In-depth guides, reports and narratives between 1000-3000 words attract Discover. They indicate depth vs quick "content mills".

Use headers, images and videos

Break up text with images, videos, captions for better scanning. Employ H1-H3 headers to outline key points.

Add relevant meta details

Fill author bio, publish date/time etc. Add meta descriptions summarizing value to readers.

Optimize for featured snippets

Craft intros that directly answer common queries on the topic to rank in featured snippets.

Incorporate latest updates

Mention latest trends, news or events related to the topic to appear timely to users.

Link to authoritative internal pages

Weave internal links promoting related and evergreen topical content on the domain.

Include multimedia components

Charts, infographics explain ideas better. Embed videos/podcasts on specific aspects.

Leverage markup annotation

Add annotations like Article, Blog and VideoObject for better parsing.

Promoting optimized content

Once content quality matches Discover needs, consistent sharing can boost discoverability:

Curate optimized posts on social

Share consistently on platforms users already follow for wide reach.

Utilize Display Network ads

Promote top articles as remarketing ads on relevant sites.

Collect high quality backlinks

Get natural backlinks from industry sites and groups around your beats.

Use Featured Snippet Optimization

Focus on questions to rank #1 and get instant visibility.

Incorporate into email newsletters

Promote exclusive content to engaged subscribers.

Leverage internal site tools

Suggest top posts to returning readers through related content tools.

Measuring Discover performance

Some signs your content is finding success on Discover include:

  • High CTR from impression graphs on Google Search Console.
  • Consistent metrics spike on publishing days from Analytics.
  • User engagement indicators like time spent, scroll depth are up.
  • Notable traffic spikes from direct type in Analytics.
  • Feedback from readers mentioning Discover as source.

Consistently monitor such signals to gauge if Discover is driving meaningful traffic and engagement for optimized content.

Refining the strategy over time

Discover algorithms evolve fast. Some best practices to refine your approach include:

Respond to user feedback

Iterate content types, formats based on what resonates most via comments.

Analyze top Discover articles

Benchmark against top performing posts for common elements.

Test content innovations

Try newer story types, layouts, interactive elements based on trends.

Stay current on platform changes

Keep updating optimization tactics as Google provides more publisher insights.

Diversify distribution beyond Google

Expand reach to offset potential algorithm shifts on any single platform.

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